What is The Restoration Tour?

When my wife and I were first married, we were “that couple.”  You know, the ones who everyone else either wanted to be, or avoided out of jealousy, because we had what they didn’t.  In short, we were like a house with amazing curb appeal.

As time went by, wear and tear started to take its toll, but I either didn’t notice, or didn’t think it was important enough to bother fixing. It was little things, so what was the big deal?  Procrastination, lack of paying attention, and overall laziness ruled the day until the curb appeal was gone and no one wanted to live in that house anymore.

It was only when my beautiful wife had left and I found myself sleeping alone that my eyes were opened and I began to see.  God showed me in those awful days how negligent I had been.  All that “little stuff” had added up, and now I could either get up and get to work, or give up and lose the best thing I’d ever had.

Having restored several old houses, I knew what to do with sheet-rock, wiring, plumbing, etc. Through God’s guidance, I learned what to do with a broken marriage. This blog is my attempt to share our story in the hope that it will be an inspiration to others.

If you are new to this blog, it began as a 3 month chronicle of how we separated and eventually reconciled. We planned a vow renewal ceremony for exactly one year after we moved back in together, and we spent a year repairing the damage and rebuilding our love together. We called it the restoration tour and we believe it is a story that not only rings true with other couples, but has the power to change marriages. If you need help in your own marriage, or you just like inspirational stories of true love winning the day, you can find the entire original blog in an easy to read format at http://figment.com/books/440531-The-Restoration-Tour  (this site is currently unavailable and the ebook will be moved)

I encourage you to read the original blog at the above link and also to spend some time here to follow the current telling of the story in journal entry form. I also hope that you will consider sharing it with others if you think it has something to offer. Then please, if you will, like, share, comment, tweet, pin, and anything you else you can do to get the word out. Also, please like my Facebook page while you’re here from the link below. Thanks for reading!

  1. This is very powerful. Thanks very much.

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