Archive for October, 2012

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We got a new dining table and chairs today at Dillard’s. Ceecee isn’t going to be working there much longer and we wanted to be able to use her employee discount. It’s a pub style table that’s square and sits high with a built in leaf that folds out from underneath. It’s really cool and will comfortably seat 8 without taking up a lot of room.

We’ve been making quite a few changes to the apartment. It’s mostly to help me deal with things. We’re really happy and I love our life, but I also struggle with living there. It’s hard on me mentally and emotionally to deal with the idea of us being separated and not knowing or wanting to know what may have happened there. Just changing some things helps because it makes me feel like it’s only ours and there aren’t any bad memories associated with new stuff.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Part of what we’re doing for our anniversary is going to Tennessee and attending an NFL game between the Eagles and the Titans, our two favorite teams. I’ve always loved the Philadelphia Eagles, and since most of Ceecee’s family lives in Tennessee, they’ve all become Titans fans.

Our actual anniversary is in the middle of the week, and the game is the weekend after. The weekend before, we’re going to run the Halloween 10K in St. Louis. It’s a race through downtown where a lot of people run in costumes and it sounds great. By sandwiching it between the two weekends, we are going to kind of make this year’s anniversary a week long celebration.

Monday, September 27, 2010

We booked our room for Chicago today. It’s a place we love to go ever since we found out they have a Christkindl market there over the holidays. My wife grew up in Germany (yes, her Dad was in the army) and had always told me that her favorite memory was of an outdoor Christmas market that they would go to where there was food, ornaments, and the like. She has always said how much she wants to take me to Germany some time so I can see it.

Back in the early 2000’s, she found out that they bring a market to downtown Chicago from Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve. We went in 2003 for the first time and I’ll never forget the look on her face when we first walked up. She said the sights and smells were just like she remembered. I took a picture of her that I had made into an 8×10 and it’s still my favorite picture of her to this day.

Since then, we’ve gone several times, usually over Thanksgiving break from school. Once, we went to the Thanksgiving Day parade and we’re going to do that again this year. We’ll be staying right off Michigan avenue, just a block from the start of the parade route.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ceecee was supposed to run 23 miles today. Well, let me back up. She was supposed to run 23 miles yesterday with her Galloway group, but, once again, we were enjoying our marriage a little too much. We agreed to go today and I brought my bike.

Anyway, when she was approaching the end, she told me she felt good and wanted to go ahead and run 26 just so she would know she could do it. I was pretty surprised, but if she felt fine, why not? The crazy thing is, she has to work a full shift today, so she is going to end up having run the equivalent of a full marathon and then go work 8 hours at a retail job.

I’m wanting to get out of Macy’s, but we have some things coming up that we want to do for the restoration tour, so we’re kind of talking about quitting our second jobs at Thanksgiving. The extra money will allow us to pay for some special plans we have for our anniversary next month and also our Thanksgiving trip to Chicago. We don’t need the money, but it’s nice not to have to stress or worry about how to pay for some of this.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ceecee registered for her marathon today. She thanked me on Facebook, which I appreciated, but she’s done all the hard work. She’s consistently running over 20 miles now, which I can’t really do, so sometimes I bring my bike and ride while she runs.

Other than that, we’re just enjoying being married. Life is pretty wonderful right now, and we’re growing more confident and secure as the days go by. There’s a lingering fear that this is only temporary, and that things will eventually revert back to the way they used to be, but I keep pushing that down, and there’s no evidence of it.

Things are actually getting better all the time and they are so different than they used to be. Ceecee doesn’t have that anger anymore, and I really believe her when she tells me how much she loves me. That’s pretty significant, because I always felt somehow unlovable before. I don’t know if it was from too many failed relationships or what, but I always felt, deep down inside, that I was unworthy of love, and that it was only a matter of time before any given person would reject me.

Monday, September 20, 2010

We got back in the pool for the first time in almost a month. Our tattoo artist wants people to wait four weeks after a tat before getting in a swimming pool. Ceecee is still training for her marathon and I won’t be doing another triathlon until at least next Spring, so I’m not very motivated to be in the pool. I’m one of those triathletes who considers swimming to be a necessary evil. We have one, and maybe two 10K’s coming up, though, so I need to stay in running shape.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My wife has always been interested in theater and musicals and such. I really haven’t been, but I want to support the things she likes, and one of the things about moving downtown is that there are several theaters right near our loft. They have been playing Cats at one of them and Ceecee really wanted to go. I decided to take her, but I procrastinated buying the tickets until today. There was only standing room left, which sucked, but it was either that or miss it, so I bought them.

On the way there, she stopped me on the sidewalk, kissed me, and said, “Let’s make a pact that we will never intentionally hurt each other again.” It was an amazing moment.

I thought Cats was pretty good, but Ceecee absolutely loved it. At one point, I looked over at her while she was watching and her face was absolutely shining. It made me so glad I had taken her and also makes me want to do more of this in the future if it makes her this happy.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Quite an unexpected and unpleasant surprise first thing this morning.

My wife doesn’t have a classroom of her own, so she usually hangs out in my room and gets on my computer in the mornings before school starts. She checks her email and such and today, I happened to walk over while she had her hotmail inbox open and I saw that there was a message from that guy from her past. The subject line said, “can we talk?”

I asked her about it and she said she was sorry that I had to see it and that she’s just ignoring him. I asked her how often he’s writing to her and she said, “pretty much everyday.” I asked her if she wanted me to get involved and do something about it, but she said no, and please not to, that it would only make it worse.

I’m not sure what that means, but it left me feeling pretty sick and uneasy for the rest of the day.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Today, we rode our bikes to work and on the way home, we could see a storm approaching right where we were heading. We raced it, and right as we were reaching downtown, it hit.

I almost got blown over by a powerful wind gust and we were still trying to get to the loft when the rain started. We were right on the corner where our favorite cupcake place is, so we went for it and dashed inside. After the storm, we went home and Ceecee made Italian wedding soup!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Frustrating night at Macy’s. I don’t want to do this much longer. Fortunately, I get to go home to my wonderful Ceecee!